Virtual Visiting Artist Alexander Martin…

WVU printmaking alum Alexander Martin gave an absolutely amazing virtual lecture to my Advanced Printmaking students today! So many great insights into living an authentic life and allowing play to enter into one’s artistic practice. It was great to see some alum in the audience as well! Thank you Alex so much for taking the... Continue Reading →

Reflections on Color and Printmaking interview…

I am very excited to share this spotlight of my work on the Reflections on Color and Printmaking page! Reflections on Color and Printmaking is a fantastic website archive of interviews organized by Laura Berman, a printmaker that I have a massive amount of respect for. A big thank you to Laura for your interest... Continue Reading →

Visiting Artist Emmy Lingscheit…

I am so very excited to announce the return of our in-person Lost Arrow Master Printmaking Series in Memory of Joe Hestick! Emmy Lingscheit, Associate Professor of Printmaking at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign spent three days in the WVU printshop interacting with students and making work! Printing an edition of prints is the... Continue Reading →

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