Mini-comics workshop at WVAEA…

Today I ran a mini-comics workshop to West Virginia K-12 teachers at this year’s WVAEA conference. If you know me, you know that I am a firm believer in the use of comics to promote literacy and offer a bridge between the “academic” and visual art classrooms curriculum. Today we talked about the benefits of... Continue Reading →

NASAD Conference in St. Louis…

Heading home from a successful NASAD conference in St. Louis. During this time I was able to sneak some time to see artwork out in the wild. St. Louis Art Museum, 21c hotel, Kemper Museum, Contemporary Art Museum, Grafik House, St. Louis Independent Comics Expo, Lisa Bulawsky at David Bruno. It was great to catch... Continue Reading →

Papermaking workshop with Drew Matott…

A big thank you to Dr. Annie McFarland for bringing in visiting artist Drew Matott and conducting a paper making workshop for our students. We had a blast learning about paper making and learning about Drew’s work with Peace Paper Project conducting paper making workshops across the world! This paper is part of Dr. McFarland’s... Continue Reading →

BOPARC summer printmaking workshop…

This summer I taught my elementary and junior high school printmaking summer workshop for BOPARC, Morgantown’s park district. This summer we made sketchbooks that featured a two color print that features their name. Students used a 4x4” template to create a repeating pattern that could be transferred onto the linoleum, carved, then printed in sections.... Continue Reading →

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