2018 Juried Student Exhibition…

Congratulations to all the WVU Printmakers for doing so well in this year's Juried Student Exhibition! This year's juror was Pittsburgh printmaker Leslie Golomb. As has been the case for a few years now, there was a really great turnout for the opening reception and awards ceremony... Stephanie Alaniz (MFA), Sarah Cale (BFA), Kyle Irvin... Continue Reading →

WVU/University of Alabama student print exchange…

Our student print exchange with students from the University of Alabama is complete! During the Fall 2018 semester, we organized a student print exchange with Professor of Art and friend Sarah Marshall. Although I only have a few pictures of the portfolio, everyone really made some fantastic work. All images are 11″x15″. The entire portfolio... Continue Reading →


On Wednesday November 28th I will be giving a talk at the WVU Art Museum as a part of their regular ART UP CLOSE! lecture series. The talk will include a brief history of American comics, focusing on a few of the pioneers of the medium. Using some of the work included in the My... Continue Reading →

WVU Print Club at the WVU Art Museum

The WVU Print Club printed t-shirts during the student night reception of the "My Hero!" exhibition at the WVU Art Museum. WVU Printmaking students printed a steady stream of comics themed t-shirts in conjunction with other programming the museum staff had planned that night. The entire museum was FILLED with students and activity, it was... Continue Reading →

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