Marie Watt in the WVU Printshop…

So much fun having visiting artist Marie Watt in our studio making pressure prints with students! Pressure prints was new for me, and I am already trying to figure out how we can use this method with elementary and middle school kids! I cannot thank Marie enough for her expertise and positive presence in the... Continue Reading →

ART 191 Freshman Orientation…

So great to see the printshop humming with activity as we hosted a portion of our ART 191 Freshman Orientation class. These workshops give students early access to processes they may have not encountered in their high school art programs. Students were able to run a three color screen print, print a tote bag with... Continue Reading →

The Summit Ahead podcast

Thank you to WVU Office of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Program Coordinator Erin Fields for asking me to be on “The Summit Ahead” podcast. This podcast is published by WVU and takes on all topics related to graduate school from making an application to life as a graduate student and beyond! It’s always an honor... Continue Reading →

Jun Lee (Part three…)

Last day with visiting artist Jun Lee was filled with edition printing and lots of t-shirt printing! Jun was generous enough to offer t-shirt printing to any student who showed up with a shirt in hand! We were busy, and the shirts looks great!!! Thank you so much Jun for your time and expertise! It... Continue Reading →

Jun Lee (Part two…)

Day two of Jun Lee’s visit to WVU was full of demos, presenting work, and printing alongside students! Along with edition printing, Jun brought smaller plates for students to print which helped create a lot of creative energy throughout the shop! The day ended with a fantastic lecture and exhibition reception! So grateful Jun was... Continue Reading →

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