“Wall 2 Wall” Student Print Exchange…

WVU Adv. Printmaking students participated in a multi-school print exchange titled "Wall 2 Wall". My students, along with students from Carnegie Mellon University, West Liberty University, and Indiana University of Pennsylvania, exchanged 4"x6" prints that were collected and shown at each school. Thank you to former student, and current CMU and IUP employee Matt Forrest... Continue Reading →

College of Creative Arts “Excellence in Research” award…

This semester I was given the College of Creative Arts "Excellence in Research" award. The award was given for my research over the past three years, and is given to one faculty member in the college annually. I am very fortunate to be given this award, as ALL of our faculty does great work. Thank... Continue Reading →

“Sunday Morning Comics” (part II)…

I got my copy of "Sunday Morning Comics", the WORK project created by Tate Foley. It looks great, and I am so excited have top billing. Tate did a fantastic job putting together a really stellar group of artists. Thanks Tate, and everyone involved.

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